Yes this is in Botswana

Moremi GorgeThis is the beautiful Moremi Gorge, situated in the eastern section of Botswana not to far from the South African border.

DSC_0130We used the town of Palaype as our base for the Easter weekend and camped at a rather interesting but really nice resort called Camp Itumela. The outdoor ablutions were rather cute and nicely done amongst the trees.

Ducks, chickens, rabbits and turkeys ran around the camp looking for scraps. See more pics of Camp Itumela

Moremi Gorge (13)Living in a desert, which is barren, flat and generally waterless, we were amazed by the Tswapong Hills which rise about 400m above the surrounding plains. And even more stunned when we entered Moremi Gorge. The lush ferns and plants lined a stream of crystal clear water which in three places drops over the rocks forming waterfalls.

The first two waterfalls are smaller, but fan out into large waterholes, whilst the uppermost falls is a full ten-metres high, the water falling into lushly vegetated, fern-fringed pool. Here you look up at the mountains towering above you and on the cliffs high above, nests a colony of vultures. Three Verreaux (Black) Eagles also soared up the gorge looking for prey.

It is a truly beautiful spot. See more photos of Moremi Gorge

DSC_0070The next day we decided to head down to the Limpopo River and follow it along the border through the Tuli block and almost to the Tuli Game Reserve. Owing to the condition of the road the trip was far longer than we thought.

The road passes through some lovely scenery, most of the land was being farmed and it was difficult getting down to the river. We did find a track which after crashing through some undergrowth brought us out a beautiful spot. A crocodile slivered into the river on our arrival and there was fresh sign of hippo.

DSC_0119The game areas made a nice change from the farms with their cattle and donkeys and even though we were traveling in the heat of the day we did see some game.

The highlight was a big herd of elephants of all sizes that crossed the road in front of us and headed down to a waterhole just off the road.


See more pics of the Tuli Block

Our last day as we headed home we decided to spend the morning at Khama Rhino Sanctuary, which is a lovely reserve with a great diversity of game – no elephants or lions though.

Khama RhinoWe did spot 3 white rhinos, but the blacks were being elusive. We did see signs that they were there, but no cigar. It is just such a privilege to be in an area where you know they can safely exist.

A big herd of eland, a jackal, a few new birds for our Botswana Bird list and a fine breakfast rounded off a lovely weekend.

See more pics of Khama Rhino Sanctuary


About PeteMorrie

Marketing Consultant
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2 Responses to Yes this is in Botswana

  1. Suki says:

    What a great time you must have had. Thank you for sharing such a lovely set of pictures. The article was jammed packed with experiences. My beautiful rhino, the blue tailed lizard, the toilet with the cactus soooooo close, and that oasis in the desert favourites. Fantastic.

  2. Pingback: All the best for 2014 | Pete & Sue's Botswana

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